What will become the most treasured assets in the decades ahead? Where is the highest risk-reward potential today? How do we position ourselves in the constantly evolving economy, from a financial point of view?

Saga Pure is a listed investment company on the Oslo Stock Exchange, dedicated to investments in sustainability and other assets. With a strong team of financial and technological expertise, Saga Pure is committed to identifying and accelerating the best initiatives of today and the future. Our tools are capital, competence and connections; providing the necessary resources to the companies that we consider. This means taking positions in both listed and private companies. We operate as investors and as business developers, through active ownership.
Who we are

We are curious – What is right today, might not be tomorrow – as the world keeps changing. Staying curious is our way of keeping our knowledge relevant and sharp.
We are bold – Bold action and bold technologies are needed for the remediation of the global ecosystems. Some of the best investments might not be what consensus agrees upon today.
We are agile – While timing is key, sometimes time itself is of essence – we are able to move fast.

Espen Lundaas
CEOAs former CEO of the company, Espen is one of the strategic minds behind going all green. He has extensive corporate and board experience, through Ferncliff TIH. Collecting heaps of refundable bottles at Norway Cup, his commitment to sustainability certainly started at a young age.